Monday, April 2, 2012

Concepts 69,70,71,72,73

69 #1. (Spanish) Te Quiero , (french) je t'aime, je suis fou de toi, je ressens un amour fou pour toi , (German) ich liebe dich, ich habe mich in dich verliebt, ich empfinde viel für dich, ich bin dir treu ergeben 

71 #2 I would write about Marilyn Monroe, I would start out talking about something nobody ever knew, her real name and first marriage. 

72 opera: Lindsay was once married to Eric then Milenna got pregnant from him and Lindsay divorced him and moved to Hawaii , in hawaii she met Tom and fell in love. Milenna had her baby in Texas and didnt end up with Eric. Tom and Lindsay went to visit Lindsays parents in Texas, to find out that Tom was Erics faternal brother, and Tom and Erica ended up leaving LIndsay and decided to reunite as brothers. Milenna then found out that Eric implanted something in Milenna to make her pregnant to have Lindsays and Erics baby, so it ended up not being Milenna's baby at all. 

73. Favorite Hero: Spiderman
Villan: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Spiderman is swinging on his web building to building, then somehow ends up in Texas. Spiderman shoots TCM in the face with his web, then he becomes blind. His family tries to save his eyes but they couldnt do anything so they put it in a jar. Spiderman then gets knocked out by TCM's mom, and the keep his hostage. Not knowing that spiderman is a real spider and their allergic to spiders, and when they try to eat him they all die

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